All The Tools You Need To Help Support Your Child to Feel Calm. 

Life is stressful and busy, and kids today are overwhelmed. They're faced with more external stimulation than ever before and on top of this, most of us parents are busy and overwhelmed too! There has to be an easier way... and there is. 


Kids Yoga Classes

Classes + Workshops

Classes + Workshops

Our weekly classes held at various locations on the Sunshine Coast, are designed specifically for empower and educate children with knowledge and skills they can apply in real life. 

Classes are fun and interactive, offering the perfect blend of dynamic movement and games and calming strategies to help centre and calm. 


Family Yoga

Calmer Kids Online

Calmer Kids Online 

What if there was a simple, easy way for you and your family to integrate wellbeing into your everyday life? Well now there is!

Calmer Kids Online offers the perfect blend of videos, audios, games and activities to help your child learn emotional-regulation strategies, in just 5 minutes a day.  Each month you'll receive a brand new bundle of exciting step-by-step resources and tools to help inspire and empower your children to find calm. 



Family Events 

Family Retreats + Workshops

Family is at the root of what do! Join us for one of our fun, monthly classes, school holiday workshops or family retreats; all designed to help you connect with your family through yoga and play.

Explore the magic of movement, mindfulness, partner poses, games, art, calm breathing and relaxation for the whole family. You can expect to leave feeling calmer, more connected and confident with some tools to take home. 


Early Years Training

1:1 Sessions 

1:1 Sessions (NDIS available)

Our one on one sessions are tailored specifically to your child's needs. We infuse yoga with a blend of therapeutic modalities to ensure your child is supported and empowered with tools and strategies to best suit them. 

We also offer small group and family sessions designed to embed wellbeing strategies for the whole family. 


3 Day Kids Yoga Teacher Training

Early Education 

Early Years Program

Our Yoga for Early Years program is designed to bring the magic of yoga and mindfulness to children ages 2-5 years in a fun and inspiring way. Weekly classes at your daycare or kindergarten are available or join us for our Early Years Course and learn tools, tips and strategies to engage children and help them discover the joy of yoga and mindfulness through learning and play.

Whole team professional development training also available (in person and online).  



Training + Courses 

Training + CoursesΒ 

Our 1-day signature foundation courses are designed to leave you confident and empowered to share yoga and mindfulness with children in an engaging and inspiring way.

These courses are designed for anyone passionate about making a difference with children including educators, teachers and teacher aides, parents and care-givers, yoga teachers, therapists, counsellors and allied health professionals.Β 




Jumpstart Coaching

Jumpstart coaching supports you to create easy to implement changes to reduce stress, improve learning and support you and your family to thrive; not just survive!

Utilising 18 years experience leading Curriculum and Wellbeing Integration as well as Positive Psychology and Coaching expertise, you are in safe hands.

Sessions can be held face to face or online - to suit your needs.  




Mini Retreat for Mums

Our 2 hour mini retreats have been designed to give beautiful mothers an opportunity to calm the nervous system and to experience feeling completely nourished. 

Naturally mothers put other's needs before their own which means that feeling mentally and physically exhausted can become the norm. The health and wellbeing of mothers is something we are extremely passionate about and love to support.


Want to Help Your Kids Find Calm? 
Grab Your FREE Calmer Kids Mindfulness Journal today!

Mindfulness Journal


βœ… Increased emotional regulation

βœ… Reduced anxiety and stress

βœ… Greater self-awareness

βœ… Breathing tools to help calm

βœ… Better focus and concentration

βœ… Improved social and communication skills

βœ… The chance to spend quality time with your kids + practice fun mindfulness activities with them.